Pet Wellness Exams

Learn more about our pet wellness services below.

PAW Veterinary Center wellness exams

Pet Wellness Exams

Gone are the days of simply taking your pet to the doctor for an illness. Like you, we believe our pets are family. Providing preventive and wellness care will help keep your pet healthy longer. The earlier we can discover an impending concern, the more likely we can intervene and improve the outcome.

Wellness Care Exams

Wellness care is really just a fancy phrase for annual checkups. During a wellness visit, the doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam, checking to make sure your pet’s body is functioning just as it should be. We’ll also discuss with you a number of topics that are vital to keeping your loved one happy and healthy, such as vaccinations, parasite control, nutrition, weight management, behavior, and more.

The information we gather during your pet’s exams helps us to develop a baseline of what’s considered to be “normal” for them. Every pet is different, so it’s important that we are able to understand what “healthy” for your pet looks like. This gives our team something to compare future exams and diagnostic tests to moving forward. That way, if and when something changes, it will be easy to spot so it can be addressed right away before it has a chance to develop into something more serious and costly.