Pet Surgery

Learn more about our pet surgery services below.

PAW Veterinary Center - pet surgery

Pet Surgery

At PAW, we are well-equipped and fully prepared to handle your pet’s surgical care needs. Our hospital is outfitted with cutting-edge equipment, and our knowledgeable team is experienced in the most modern surgical techniques. More importantly, we always adhere to the strictest standards of safety and care. That means your loved one will be in excellent hands with us!

Pet Surgery

We routinely perform a wide variety of soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries. Our hospital features a fully equipped surgical suite with gas anesthesia machines and top-quality patient monitoring, which includes EKG, pulse oximeter, and blood pressure monitoring. After each animal has recovered from anesthesia, we call the pet owners to let them know how the procedure went. We schedule a discharge at the end of the day, where we discuss and send home specific post-operative instructions.

A few surgical procedures we offer are:

  • Dog and cat spay
  • Dog and cat neuter
  • Mass removal
  • ACL repair
  • Gastropexy
  • Amputation
  • Oral surgery

After The Surgery

Once your pet’s procedure is complete, we will gently move them to the recovery area of our hospital, where we will continue to monitor them as the anesthesia begins to wear off. A member of our staff will contact you to let you know how the surgery went and arrange a time for you to come retrieve your pet. When you arrive, we’ll go over our aftercare instructions, which may include a customized pain management plan to help make the recovery process as comfortable as possible for your pet.

After returning home with your loved one, please do not hesitate to call us if any questions or concerns arise about the surgery or recovery process. Help is always just a phone call away!

If you recently learned that your loved one needs surgery, there’s no need to worry. The surgical team at PAW has your back! Before you know it, we’ll have that little guy or gal fixed up and on the path to a full and speedy recovery!

Minimally Invasive Procedures

New technology has paved the way for incredible new veterinary surgical techniques that are the future of veterinary medicine. This new approach has been used to either complement or replace traditional techniques. Minimally invasive procedures require two small incisions and are sometimes referred to as keyhole surgery. A camera is placed in one of these small incisions in order to avoid a large incision that is very painful for patients after surgery. The benefits of minimally invasive procedures are smaller incisions, quicker recovery time, better visualization of internal organs, less anesthesia, and no suture requirement. Typically, patients can go back to normal activity in 5-7 days as opposed to 14 days with traditional techniques.

Minimally invasive procedures are performed at PAW Veterinary Center by Dr. Antonio Pedraza from Smart Approach Veterinary Services and include laparoscopic spay, laparoscopic gastropexy, laparoscopic cryptorchid neuter, and exploratory laparoscopic procedures with biopsies of major organs.